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All in One 15” Touch Screen EPoS System with a Single Beam Scanner including Cash Drawer & 58mm Thermal Printer

Package includes: All in One 15” Touch Screen, EPoS Software, Cash Drawer, Customer Display and a Single Beam Barcode Scanner and 58mm Thermal Printer. This package is perfect for almost any industry.

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£429.00 incl VAT
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This package has been hand selected by our lead professional EPoS advisors with decades of experience in the field. This bespoke software package with many high-end features, e.g.  stock control, reporting, flexible menus, etc. is perfect for any size business in any industry.


- 15" All in One touch screen display with heavy duty stand

- 12v Steel cash drawer with insert and lock, 2 x keys

- Single Beam Barcode Scanner

- 58mm Thermal receipt Printer

- Preloaded with SaaS EPoS Software and ready to use

- 4 pages of 20 buttons (80 in total)

- Each button can activate a "pop up menu" of nearly 50 items

- Multi layered menus are also possible

- 9 price levels per item, to be used for "happy hours" or for different prices/sizes

- 9 sides/options per item, sides can be single choice or multi choice, and each can be surcharged/discounted

- Table assignment, hold/recall

New Features

- Split bill

- % Discount/Surcharge on transaction total

- Link PLUs as Sides/Options

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